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I Need This!
Past Stories
The Day Everything Went Sideways (Literally)
Look, I’m not saying Marcus Drake was the worst fire mage in Cinderhold’s history. That would be an insult to all the other terrible fire mages who at least managed to keep their eyebrows intact for more than a week at a time. No, Marcus was special. He was the kind of special that made …
Wings of Change
You ever wonder why air mages can’t make their magic solid? Like, water mages get ice, earth mages have their rocks, fire mages can make those neat little flame crystals everyone pretends don’t exist. But air? Always just… air. Turns out, everyone was asking the wrong question. Meet Jin, the most annoying cadet in Zephyrgale …
Dance of the Flame Stealers
Listen, when the Scorched Nomads raid your caravan, you’ve got two options: die fighting or die running. At least, that’s what everyone thought until Reyna figured out option three: steal their fire. Yeah. Steal. Their. Fire. Picture this: Usual raid on a Tempest Isles merchant ship crossing the Burnt Wastes. Nomads riding in on those …
The Stone That Speaks
Look, Gard wasn’t supposed to be the one who changed the world. He was just a scout for the Fangrock Clans, the guy they sent out to make sure nobody was trying to sneak up on their territory. Not exactly the “destiny’s chosen one” type, if you know what I mean. But here’s the thing …
The Price of Power
Kira traced the spiral birthmark on her forearm, watching as it pulsed with a faint blue glow in the dim light of her workshop in the lowest level of Maralyd. The underwater city’s bioluminescent algae cast shifting patterns across her latest invention – a sphere of enchanted coral that could, theoretically, store water magic. Most …